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Limuru MP Eng John Kiragu Beats Mwathi in Facebook Poll(Official Poll as at 28.09.16)

Current Limuru MP Beats Rival In a Current Online Poll
 Recent turn of events  has left Limuru MP Eng John Kiragu Chege smiling after beating his arch rival in an online Poll conducted by One Facebook user Eric Djemba Djemba(Who is also an adherent Mwathi Supporter)The poll which had about 60 respondents  portrayed a grueling battle with the two  having a tie at some point,it is worth noting that the Poll held some factors to be constant some of which include but are not limited to the following

  • Voters could only Vote Once
  • There were no ghost Accounts
  • Only be two candidates were sampled
  • The candidates Vie on a Jubilee Party Ticket
We Will be conducting this Polls regularly to ascertian the actual position of Candidates in Kenya as Online polls are more reliable as anyone can view the reports anytime and thus there is no chances of doctoring or altering the results,We have noted that a good Number of Mwathi Supporters did not take part in this poll and that could be part of the reason why his popularity may have dwindled on this platform. Another factor is that Many members of the group did not take part in the Poll as only 1% took part and thus this Poll cannot be highly depended upon but can act as a build up to future Polls.

Some of the Member who took part in the Polls as follow:-

People who voted for Kiragu

People who voted for Mwathi

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