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Cabu Gah answers those claiming Kajwang' Mocked God

Unlike Us,and our little dark,vengeful hearts,God is NOT some dark,cold Soul sitting up there on some ever-judgmental Seat waiting to pounce on You and avenge some sins You did. God is NOT some callous Being...with an everlasting desire to revenge and prove Himself. God is NOT some bitter,obdurate Soul with a burning desire to hit back at His enemies as soon as possible...With an insatiable appetite to destroy and punish and vindicate.
Unlike ALL of Us so quick at finding angles to connect deaths and revenge and blasphemy and crap,God is actually a super-merciful Being.
3 Verses From His Book makes it clear...
1.Psalm 145:8 says,"The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love"
If God is Merciful,Wouldn't He have mercy on Otieno Kajwang?? Ofcouse He would. But You Wouldnt! Because You are a simple human. And He is God. And if God is slow to anger,What makes You believe that He EXPLODED in Anger after Kajwang's alleged statement?? He didn't. Clearly,He is slow to anger. If He has been slow to Judge You and Punish You,He MUST have been slow to judge and punish Kajwang too.
2.1 John 1:9 ESV
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"

Did anyone of You try to confirm whether Otieno Kajwang actually repented his sins?? And,therefore was forgiven?? NO. Well,God DOES forgive repented sins. And does cleanse all unrighteousness. Off ALL men..Including Otieno Kajwang. Who may have repented,after all.
3. Romans 3:23 ESV
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..."

Blasphemy is SIN. Well,so is stealing,lying,pride,debauchery,insults,promiscuity,arrogance,drunkenness,sexual immorality and hate too! And You must have practiced most of these things as well...The question is,Are You DEAD?? NO. So SHUT UP,sinner!
Kajwang was killed by a normal,human heart attack! That was NOT GOD running around trying to kill and make a statement! Because,Unlike You,God does NOT need to prove Himself. Or How Powerful and Capable at destroying He is.
We all know that. And he knows we do....
Here's some bad news for You: God DOES NOT punish that quickly. That stupidly And that heartlessly...Because If He did,We'd all be DEAD by now. Starting with YOU!
R.I.P Otieno Kajwang......

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