Breaking News

Wait...what about humanity

                                     An artistic image of the 3 yr old Syrian boy  who drowned
       Each time i start my computer and log on to the internet my heart is infuriated by the trending images of a young boy(aylan-kurdi)who was among people that died when the boat they were aboard  while fleeing War torn Syria capsized.My heart is filled with bitterness over the leaders of this world...those who cause war and displacement of innocent reminds me of 1997 when i happened to be caught in between community clashes in Rift-valley Kenya, i can recall with nostalgia how we had to trek from Njoro to Nakuru town where at least we would find some food and water,I could see  helpless casualties who had been injured in the battle ferried lifelessly with wheelbarrows wrapped up with dirty pieces of clothes(bandages) to safe havens which i also came to learn latter were not admitting people from the rival communities..I remember how my newly(cut) initiated cousin cruised  across the murky battlefield to hide from the attackers...(A story for another day)

   The images of Baby Aylan are  hitting me with anguish..pain and disbelief..i can relate well with them because i have been in almost the same situation but at least i am alive write a story about the rotten society which takes selfies with lifeless bodies and post them on Instagram with hashtags such as #yolo...#givethanksforlife..a new crop of newbies and  leaders...the highest order of impunity..!!These same group of people lets call them Instagram geeks are the majority in any society today as reports indicate..they are the same people who support the very blood thirsty nincompoops masquerading as leaders they are the same people who are used to Smash and kill their neighbors by mere promise of riches..and to settle stupid egos.

       We are living in a society where a media personality would rather take images of a dead body
than help in the rescue mission..What hurts even more is that leaders wont listen...they wont listen to the blood of this little angel and step in to calm the storm..they wont listen to the Devoid speech of baby Aylans dad during his burial..they will not listen to all the  people like you and me who believes that Peace is the only way to real progress but they will listen to their hungry bellies and to their egos that tells them to kill even more and destroy and loot...When will the world stand with all war torn regions to help stop the violence..How many more Children will have to die in order for  Religious and political leaders to listen..
baby Aylan's Body lying animals Crying while a human being takes notes

As humankind are we so dumb that we cannot see beyond war,,can we not see beyond  disgrace and  shame and dust ourselves up and be geared toward making the best out of  our brothers and sisters all over the world by being our brothers keeper this is a wake up call to all the gluttonous leaders who thrive in making this world only good for them and their children..let not our attention be so ephemeral that this story may be lost as fast as all epiphanies.. 
#its timetostopthewar

World leaders thriving in killing innocent Children

God Be With You, Little Angel. The Death Of Tragic Syrian Toddler Aylan By Gunduz Aghayev

God Be With You, Little Angel. The Death Of Tragic Syrian Toddler Aylan By Gunduz Aghayev


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