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Petroleum Bill at centre of Turkana politics as the Presidents decision was biased.
The original parliament drafted bill specified that inhabitants get 5% of revenue share county government 25% and national government 70%.
The original draft stipulated that the local people get five per cent of the revenue share, while the county government receives 20 per cent and the national government retains 70 per cent.
Members of Parliament from the region with animation and vivacity while zealously guarding the interests of their people ðŸ‘« had mustered the Bill to ensure natives enjoy a 5 % increase to have 10% of revenue share.
However instead of uhuru ascending the bill as he said "kazi yangu ni kuweka kidole mi sifanyi sheria" ,
President Uhuru Kenyatta In September, last year wrote to Parliament asking legislators to reconsider sections of the Petroleum Bill that they had just passed.
This put Members of Parliament (MPs) affiliated to Jubilee in Turkana in an awkward position.
In his memorandum, the uthamaki arrogant man asked the House to amend the Bill to its original format of five per cent revenue share for the community.
During a recent tour of Turkana, Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga raised concern over Jubilee MPs burying their head in the sand as “Turkana resources” are taken by the national government.
Turkana has four Mps alloed to jubilee South MP James Lomenen allied to jubilee, who is also a member of the Energy Committee that scrutinised the Bill.
There are six MPs in the county with four having been elected on a Jubilee ticket. They are Mr Lomenen, Mr Christopher Nakuleu (Turkana North), Mr Daniel Nanok (Turkana West) and Turkana Central MP John Lodepe. The opposition has Protus Akuja (Loima, ODM) and Nicholas Ngikor (Turkana East, Ford Kenya,)
Turkana Senator John Munyes, who was elected on a Ford Kenya ticket, has since decamped to Jubilee where he expects to challenge ODM’s incumbent Governor Josphat Nanok.
“Over 850 million barrels have been discovered from various wells. Article 59 of the Constitution is clear on how mineral resources should be shared. What Mr Kenyatta is telling us is unconstitutional,” Mr Nanok said
The mining act passed last year gave the community 10% why not oil.
Whilst at this another uthamaki affiliated fellow Petroleum Principal Secretary Andrew Kamau says that as originators of the Petroleum Bill, the ministry had consulted widely. He argues that they will build a pipeline from turkana to lamu and if the president opens that door all counties will start asking for their share .
I have only one question to kamau "now that you have build roads from central to Nairobi to carry your produce via other counties have they asked for their share if anything 1 billion miraa bonus was not awarded along the road but to miraa farmers specifically not even middlemen.
So away from politics when this arrogant man stands to speak and insults nanok is he justified??
"Si mimi napitisha sheria ni bunge..... kazi yangu ni kuweka kidole.... halafu mjinga anakuja kusema hapa nafanya kazi ya sheria .......shida yangu sio uongozi ni kufanyia wakenya kazi.
Kwani mkintunyima kura dunia itaisha....." akauliza Rais.
Sheria ilipitishwa mbona hukuweka kidole?? Mbona uliirudisha bunge kama hufanyi kazi ya sheria ?? Kama hutaki wakenya wapate 10% unawafanyia kazi gani??

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