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Boinett Warns Of Al-Shabaab Attack


Police Inspector General Joseph Kipchirchir Boinett has revealed that the Somalia based militia group, al-Shabaab may be planning to launch an attack during the ongoing El Nino rains that have hit most of the parts of the nation.
The alert comes a few days after the National Police Service (NPS) listed five names linked to terror activities. They include: Anwar Yogan Mwok, Omar Owiti, Shamim Wanjiru Hussein, Ramadhan Kioko and Omar Patroba Juma
“Available information indicates that others could be mobilizing in Somalia and may take advantage of the rainy season to infiltrate through our borders and stage attacks in North Eastern region and the coast regions as well as in Nairobi,” states a circular from NPS.
Boinnet expressed confidence that security officers in the country have secured the borders to bar any threat by al-Shabaab.
The head of police is also calling upon all Kenyans to be vigilant to inform security officers in case they notice peculiar scene.
He also listed certain location as the major target of the group by stating: “we call upon members of the public of the public to cooperate with security agencies and security guards especially when they are carrying out searches at entrances to public places and private institutions including social joints, bus stations, shopping malls, place of worship and learning institutions.”
Nairobi, North Eastern and Coast have been hit with frequent attacks executed by al Shabaab, immediately the Kenya Defence Forces were deployed in Mogadishu to bar operations of the radical group.
In 2013, Nairobi recorded one of it’s worst attack when the group attacked Westgate mall in Westlands.
Five al Shabaab militants stormed in the front entrance and started shooting selectively. A police officer in a mission to save people from the ‘jaws’ of the militia group.
67 people were shot dead while hundreds injured during the hostage. Good samaritans aid one of the injured persons.
In Mombasa, the Mpeketoni attack memories will go down in history as one of major killings  perpetrated by the group. 67 people were gunned down.
Early this year in North Eastern, Garissa county, 147 students were killed.
Health practitioners help a student who was injured during the attack. on the Moi campus at Garissa University College.
A relative is assisted by Red Cross staff as bodies of the students killed arrived in Nairobi.

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