Breaking News


Via Karungo wa Thang'wa
Yesterday, We made an impromptu visit to Kiambu hospital where we demanded to be shown the much hyped NEUROSURGERY UNIT that cost Kiambu Residents 50 Million Kenya Shillings. Only to find it was a hoax, a scam and FRAUD.
Despite the Deputy governor launching the unit in August last year, posing for a photo with the first patient of the new unit, putting an advert on one of the dailies hyping the unit.....Despite the Chief Officer of the health department Dr. Njuguna Waiguru claiming that the unit has screened over 200 patients and operated on another 45 (unless they operate them on sofas...see the pics) ......the unit does not EXIST!
the unit's theater is used as a lounge (with two sofas) by the hospital interns (see the photo). The operation head light is the only thing that the county government bought....they also repaired a broken sink and painted the walls at a cost of 6 Million shillings....
Its 16 bed ward has been turned to a female surgical ward. Its 4 bed ICU ward was untraceable. see the pics
Our trip was cut short after Governor Kabogos aides led by one Kang'ethe Nungari suddenly appeared at the hospital and questioned the hospital administrator George Mbuthia on why we were taken round. The administrator disappeared .....leaving us stranded.
Having discovered this SCAM we issued a 14 day ultimatum to both the Governor and his health minister to explain how the 50 million was spent and why the unit is not operational.
It's alleged that the governor is launching Machines and equipment at the Kiambu hopitals only for the machines to disappear after the photo session. (how else can you explain their disappearance)
Anothe example is the RUIRU hospital.......we will visit there soon.
A good example is a hospital in Limuru that the governor ordered the mabati roofing to be replaced (it was removed)...only for the same mabati to be returned after he left....says Hon. Murugami Limuru Central MCA. The hospital is leaking more than before.
Thanks to the following MCAs whom together we discovered this‪#‎KiambuMegaScam‬ ‪#‎KiambuGoesMental‬
they are
Hon. Njenga Murugami - Limuru Central Ward
Hon. Martin Wachira - Riabai Ward
Hon. Fred Gakobo - Kijabe Ward
Hon. Samwel Gachumi - Tigoni Ward
Hon. Paul Mburu - Mwiki ward
Hon. SP Ngugi - Witeithie ward
Hon. Ngugi Uiru - Ndumberi ward and
Hon. Geche Karanja - Kahawa Sukari ward

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