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William Kabogo Takes A Swipe At Raila, Muthama

A video has emerged of Kiambu governor William Kabogo uttering words that may surely set him on collision paths with authorities over hate speech and/or  incitement.
Speaking on Sunday, October 25 at Thika stadium, the Kiambu governor took a swipe at Raila and Muthama for their constant attack on President Uhuru Kenyatta.
In the close to 2 minute clip, Kabogo begins with attacking Johnstone Muthama and warns him agauinst insulting Uhuru Kenyatta failure to which he will deal with him (Muthama)
He said that should Muthama insult Uhuru Kenyatta again, they will go for him in his mother’s house. Scroll down to watch video.
“You journalists, tell Raila Odinga to stop his stupidity…if they want to sue me I am ready and I have money to defend myself,” said Kabogo.
In the address in which he switches between Swahili and his native Kikuyu, Kabogo says the foreskin inhibits thinking.
“And I keep telling you that the foreskin is not good becasue it makes the brain not to think,” he went on.
The statement is similar to one made by Moses Kuria once through his Twitter account and which caused an uproar from members of the Luo community.
Kabogo’s utterences come at a time when several political leaders are facing hate speech and/or incitement charges following their utterances in public rallies.
The ladears include Johnstone Muthama, Moses Kuria, George Aladwa and Mutahi Ngunyi.

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