Breaking News


The Deputy President William Ruto visited Garsen early on Saturday morning to officially open new staff houses built by the local CDF Kitty financed by the EuroBond.
The houses are part of the grand Jubilee infrastructure upgrade that was financed by the EuroBond cash (Devolution ministry already indicated it cannot account for sh45billion but later said the cash was disbursed to CDF kitty).
According to reports, the houses cost a staggering 13 million.
DP Ruto has told Kenyans that no money was lost in the Eurobond issue and perhaps the opening of these new units is part of the plan to showcase how the billions were spent.
Whereas it is hard to give an expected exact cost estimate for mud house construction, they still remains to be the locally available option for low cost housing solution for poor communities.
Technically, the only purchases would be the roofing sheets, doors and windows.
The trees used for studs are normally premature trees or tree branches whose cost can be negotiated or available for free in local bushes and forests.
The mud in itself is simply dug from around the building area and mixed with water. But again, politically correct or not, the buildings that the DP is opening do not reflect the cost being given to the public. The houses appear to be poorly done with sticks that are not straight, firm and that would probably not hold for long especially against torrential rains and flooding in the area.
The mud application done has haphazard and rushed to say the list clearly missing the whole idea, to conceal the sticks used. The roof sheets in the photo appear rusted and at least 5yrs old in the elements which defeats the whole purpose of calling the houses new.
For a country that is investing billions in infrastructure with a deputy that is equally spending more than a billion on his own village house, I strongly believe we can do better to house the people who risk arm, limb and life to protect Kenyans.
After the ceremony DP Ruto took to Faceboom where is posted this message:
The Government has set aside funds to improve communication infrastructure in the coastal region especially access to the internet. This will majorly assist security agencies in the fight against crime. Citizens will also have an opportunity to access Government services easily while students will utilize the service to do research to improve their education. Joined leaders in unveiling new blocks for police officers at Garsen Police Station, Tana River County.
Anyway, the DP has provided the evidence that Eurobond money was well spent, no single cent was lost and therefore the matter is put to rest.

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