Scars on the six year-old boy allegedly inflicted by his mother. PHOTO | COURTESYScars on the six year-old boy allegedly inflicted by his mother. PHOTO | COURTESY
A mother of two has been accused of repeatedly assaulting her first born son leading to the child’s trauma.
Neighbours say Pauline Njeri Nganga, who lives in Kahawa West, has been beating up her son to the extent of the six year-old boy missing school often. Ms Njeri is said to have moved to the neighbourhood after she allegedly separated from her husband two years ago.
Photos of the badly scalded young boy were on Thursday circulated on Facebook, with some of the scars looking fresh.
The Facebook post by Diana Okello. PHOTO | COURTESY
The Facebook post by Diana Okello. PHOTO | COURTESY
Activist Diana Okello, who first shared the photos, said Ms Njeri has been assaulting her two children and is being sought by police for brutality and child neglect.
Neighbours told Nairobi News that Ms Njeri often comes home drunk and screams to her son for not cooking supper.
A neighbor who only identified herself as Vivian told Nairobi News that the boy usually attends to his small sister and whenever he makes a simple mistake, such as not cooking dinner early, he is beaten and burnt with a hot iron box.
“The mother (Ms Njeri) used to work in Nairobi. But since their company closed down she has been assaulting her son,” said Vivian.
Another neighbour, James Wainaina added that Ms Njeri has been assaulting her children for several months now and attempts to intervene by neighbours have been futile as she has a don’t care attitude.
“Neighbours involved Diana Okello whom I understand has since reported the matter to the police so as to have the mother of two arrested for assaulting her children,” said Mr Wainaina.
However Ms Njeri’s mother, in an interview with Nairobi News, denied the allegations and insisted that her daughter is not being sought by police.
“Those are just rumours that have been started by a family member and were spread to Facebook. My grandson burnt himself with an iron box as he is very cheeky and sometimes he even irons his school uniform while still wearing them,” said Elizabeth Nganga.
When asked about the old scars visible on her grandson’s body, she said that the child is unmannered and is often disciplined by his mother, but not to extent of scalding him.
Mrs Nganga added that the photos circulating on Facebook were released as a result of a family dispute between her daughter and an in-law and the family is meeting both of them.
“I was very sad to hear that a woman has accused my daughter of assaulting her own son on Facebook. I am following up the matter and will update you on what the family will decide but at the moment my grandchildren are with their mother,” said Mrs Nganga.
She further denied reports that she had reported her daughter to the police and that she is on the run