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Petition to his excellency the President Uhuru Kenyatta for expedient and decisive action against grand corruption

1. immediate sacking of state and public officers within the executive (for whom you have powers to dismiss) adversely mentioned in corruption scandals;
2. Immediately leading the process of making public, all the wealth declaration forms among the state and public officers. 
3. Initiating legal process of freezing of bank accounts of all those implicated in grand corruption scandals pending investigations;
4. Immediately initiate a process of recovering all stolen public funds and property. This should go as far back as is judicially possible to cover all past corruption activities since independence;
5. Instantaneously stop and recover salaries paid illegally to officers who have been suspended or removed from public service on graft allegations.
6. Expeditiously implement recommendations of Auditor General’s reports;
7. Ensure protection and adequate resourcing of the Auditor General’s office and other independent offices to enable them to effectively discharge its mandate;
8. Ensure that public money is spent in a prudent and responsible way by cutting down on the aggravating extravagance and recklessness witnessed during the last four years.
9. Ensure protection of all whistle blowers for the corruption scandals that have already been reported. We also demand reward of whistle blowers to a tune of at least 20% of stolen funds recovered;
10. Fully operationalize the Campaign Financing Act. All political aspirants must publicly declare all sources of their campaign funds;
11. Ensure that the annual state of the nation reports include a report on corruption and how much of state resources lost through past corruption scandals have been recovered;
12. Ensure open advertising and recruitment of Board members and staff of government departments and parastatals as well as chairpersons of parastatal boards;
13. Ensure that tax returns for companies and individuals implicated in grand corruption scandals be released for public scrutiny by the Kenya Revenue Authority; and
14. Deepen openness and accountability, including genuine public participation in governance, especially, in financial ,matters .
Finally, if you are not in a position to implement these demands which are well within your legal, constitutional and political obligations, we therefore demand that you REGIGN. “Act Against Corruption Now or Resign”/ “Komesha Ufisadi Sasa au Jiuzulu”. #TeamCourage#ActOnCorruptionOrResign

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