Breaking News

Shots fired in Ndeiya as MCA Munga graduates with Masters in Leadership Without an Undergraduate Degree

Accusations are flowing left right and center for Ndeiya MCA Nelson Munga who is being accused of purchasing a Masters degree.It is still not understandable how the Member of county assembly managed to acquire a masters degree as shown in the graduants list below without going through the basic 8-4-4 system,it is alleged by one of the aspirants that Ndeiya 1 sat for his KCSE at Ndungu Njenga Secondary School and performed dismally to be admitted by Joint admissions board,The lead attacker for Mr Munga is an adherent Kiragu supporter to an extent that people get confused as to whether he is seeking for his own votes or for kiragus,More details of Mungas battles to follow soon:
Embattled  Ndeiya MCA Mr Nelson Munga

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