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Rails adversely mentioned in NYS scandal


It is time for Raila Odinga and his political organization to give Kenyans a break from the endless drama and propaganda on corruption and answer a number of critical questions.

There is evidence that Odinga has been doing his best to pass the NYS buck to the presidency whereas in fact, he is a perpetrator, accomplice, beneficiary and condoner of the heist.

It is in the public domain that Hassan Noor, a key suspect in the racket, is a long-time aide of Mr. Odinga.

Indeed, as PM, Odinga forwarded Noor’s name to various committees, including the Mau Task Force, to represent his interests.

It is also a notorious fact that one JUNET SHEIKH NUH, also known as Junet Mohamed, who is the member of the National Assembly for Suna East, is a close associate and dear confidante of Odinga’s. He is also the ODM director for elections.

Hassan Noor, (who was the ‘defacto Principal Secretary’ Ministry of Devolution,) is married to Junet Mohammed’s sister Hafsa Sheikh Nuh.  Junet and Hafsa own two companies, ZEIGHAM ENTERPRISES LIMITED and FAHAZA LIMITED, registered in July 2012 and July 2014 respectively.

These companies were paid hundreds of millions of shillings by the NYS for various dubious supplies, most of which were smuggled into the country from Pakistan through the port of Kismayu.

Among them powdered milk, rice, sugar, biscuits just to name a few.

All these people are intimately known to Odinga. All these facts are well known to Odinga.

Without a doubt, there is much more that Odinga and his people know and have done that we will know in time.

There is no doubt that Odinga’s closest associates are brazen crooks and sundry criminals with their fingers in every cookie jar, including land grabbing and speculation along infrastructure corridors, extortion of foreign contractors, embezzlement of public funds, fraudulent tendering and other deplorable activities.

So indiscriminate is Odinga’s impunity that, for yet another time, he has robbed the Kenyan youth of rare and precious opportunities to participate in nation building.

 It must be remembered that the Kazi Kwa Vijana heist went down the same treacherous path under Odinga’s watch.

Odinga must now honour Kenyans with a little respectful honesty, look them in the eye and confess that he has been taking them on a ride.

 He must admit that his loud protestations about corruption are nothing but distractions and cover-ups to protect the web of kleptomaniacs who serve him and his political organization.

He must call at the offices of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission and, as a responsible citizen, say what he knows about corruption. Bluster and noise will not do any more.

Truth is needful.

The only way to fight corruption is through institutions on the basis of truth and due process, not in the media through propaganda and sensationalism.

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