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ALFRED KETER and OSCAR SUDI forced to run & hide in a bush in a harambee in Nandi

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Nandi Hills MP, Alfred Keter, and his Kapseret counterpart, Oscar Sudi, were forced to hide in a bush on Tuesday after angry youths threatened to beat them up for undermining Deputy President William Ruto.

The incident happened at Lelmokwo in Chesumei Constituency, during a harambee in aid of the late Nandi Deputy Speaker Hesbon Meto.

Thousands of youths who attended the function heckled and booed Keter and Sudi forcing the police to intervene.

The irate, residents who spoke to the media, said Keter and Sudi were spearheading the rebellion at the South Rift against the DP, adding that they believe the DP’s efforts of uniting Kenyans through Jubilee Party was a reality and unstoppable.

Keter was treated to chants of ‘go and vie in Kericho’, and urged to stop meddling with the affairs of Nandi County.

The two MPs were helped by police when residents started hurling stones at them.

Police adviced them to hide in a nearby bush away from angry residents who had warned the two MPs against undermining Ruto.

Read full article here : The Kenyan DAILY POST
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