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Real Life Story...So touching

Yesterday evening I received a call that shook me to the core. The man on the other end of the line was Joel Sewe. In a low tone, he shared with me how cancer had turned his life upside down. Joel has two sisters; Miriam Sewe and Mary Ajwang who are both afflicted by cancer and needs your help. I’d advise you grab a seat and read Joel’s heartbreaking story below;
My name is Joel Okoth Sewe. I am 33 years old and come from a family of four; two boys and two girls. My dad and mum passed on in the year 2000 and 2004 respectively. I am the only one who holds a stable job in our family and hence I have been supporting my two sisters, Miriam Anyango Sewe and Mary Ajwang in their treatment. It’s been a strenuous four years. This has not only taken a toll on my finances but my emotional well being as well. I currently servicing a staff loan and a credit card debt that I incurred in the course of paying for their treatment. I would appreciate whatever help I can get in helping my two sisters access urgent cancer treatment to enable them participate in Nation building.
Miriam Anyango Sewe aged 31 years old is our last born and is pursuing a diploma in business management at the Kenya Institute of Management. Though she joined KIM (Kenya Institute of Management) in 2010 she has had to defer her studies several times due to illness. Miriam was first diagnosed with Non Hodgkin Lymphoma in 2011 through an excision biopsy. She underwent six sessions of chemotherapy at Texas cancer centre and 30 sessions of radiation at Kenyatta National Hospital. However, another tumour developed on her left shoulder in December 2014. This was cleared by ten sessions of radiotherapy at Kenyatta National Hospital. Forgot to mention that the wound that resulted from the surgery in May 2011 has not healed completely up to date and has had to go for dressing on a daily basis till now.
In June 2015, Miriam started complaining of stomach upsets. She had had issues with Ulcers since she was in High School. In spite of several remedies there was no improvement. It is then that the clinical officer who was attending her recommended a Barium test and later an ultra sound. The oncologist recommended an endoscopy and was diagnosed Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma.
Your financial support will enable Miriam Sewe go for treatment in India at an estimated of Kshs 1.5 million. However, we have not managed to take her there due to lack of funds. I know that she needs treatment ASAP but am handicapped due to financial constraints. This has impacted negatively on my job and drained me emotionally. Miriam has had to defer her studies due to the illness.
Mary Ajwang aged 41 years is our first born. She is married though her husband is serving a two year prison term at Kodiaga. She therefore, relies on me too for upkeep. Mary was diagnosed with cervical cancer in December 2014. I approached Twatrust who offered to foot her medical bills. She got 4 sessions of chemotherapy at Nairobi Radiotherapy Centre and 24 sessions of radiotherapy at Kenyatta National Hospital. However, she is currently complaining of pain in her lower abdomen. Twatrust informed us that they were short of cash due to the high number of requests they had received. She is therefore looking upon me for assistance in alleviating her pain.
Support can be channelled through:
Mpesa Paybill No. 261073
Acc. No. Miriam Sewe
Yours faithfully,
Joel Okoth Sewe

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