Breaking News

The National Industrial Training Authority wishes to announce to you the below available internship vacancies from The; Kenya Civil Aviation Authority

Image result for national industrial training authority kenyaKCAA VACANCIES FOR INTERNSHIP/APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAMME
The Kenya Civil Aviation Authority is conducting internship
programme to assist the youth to gain practical
experience on - the - job training with effect from 4th April
2016 for a period of one
(1) year. This is in line with the Government guidelines of
empowering youth who
completed studies (degrees and diplomas) from training
institutions, to gain work
experience to enable them be employable in the market.
Targeted careers of learning are:
1. Electrical and Electronic engineering
2. Aeronautical Telecommunication Engineering
3. Finance, Accounting, Commerce
4. Human Resource Management
5. Record Management
6. Procurement
7. Information Communication Technology
8. Economics , Statistics
9. Marketing
10.Public Relations
11.Business Administration
13.Secretarial Management
Interested candidates are required to submit their applications,
copies of certificates,
testimonials and a detailed CV indicating current day time
telephone and full contact
details of three referees to be received not later than 26th
February 2016 in a
sealed envelope marked ‘Internship’ to:-
The Director General,
Kenya Civil Aviation Authority,
P. O. Box 30163 – 00100,
Kindly submit your application to KCAA before 26th February
Industrial Placements-NITA

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