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Senator Mike Sonko Called a Dog By a Land grabber With Zero Chills

Mike 'Sonko' Mbuvi
Senator Mike Sonko Called a Dog By a Land grabber With Zero Chills

They robbed the family and attempted to even slash the owner with a machete before flattening the house with a bulldozer.
A house they had owned for 26 years was pulled down in a span of a few minutes .The owner said that some people had been asking them to vacate the house before the Sunday incident but the family refused since there was no court order and they owned the property since 1990.
The shocking video that has made a lot of Kenyans angry (Source NTV)
 Following this inexcusable act of impunity, Kenyans have expressed outrage after the unbelievable incidence. They have also  rushed to a Go Fund me page set up for the Kurji’s and have so far contributed about 850, 000 Kshs to help the family.

Sonko has also joined the cause of seeking justice for the distraught family. He made a call to the man who sent out the destruction order, a man identified as Francis.
“Sema mhesh? ”The man asked when Sonko called him up.
“Poa sana” Sonko said before going ahead to confront the man. Asking him why he dealt with the family with such callousness and telling him that he should spend a few months in jail to pay for what he did.
“Wewe ni mwizi, unafikiria utanunua kila mtu? Mwizi wewe , wewe ni mtu wa kuwekwa jela…kwenda huko unadhania utanunua kila mtu?.Mahali nitakupata utajua mimi ni nani wewe!”Sonko yelled. (Translation: You are a thief! You think you can bribe everyone? You thief, you deserve to be in jail. You think you can buy everyone? When we meet you shall know who I really am.)
“Umbwa wewe! Ghasia! ” the man on the other end shouted back.
“Mimi ni umbwa?" Sonko asked. (Translation: Are you calling me a dog?)

After this outburst, the man ended the call before calling the senator back. Sonko then told him that just because they are fiends it doesn’t mean that he will support him in the cases of social injustice. He then went on to reveal that the title deed used to evacuate the Kurji’s was fake.
He then went on to ask the man why he had called him a dog and yet he was elected by the people. "Wewe ni nani kumuita senata aliyechaguliwa  nawatu mbwa? "Sonko Asked
“Utachukua hiyo plot nikiwa kaburini.”Sonko vowed. (Translation: You will own that property over my dead body)

 He then went on to tell the man that he should auction off his property to pay for the Kurji’s damaged property…listen to the audio by clicking here:

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