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Alshabab Planning to Attack Kenya-Governor

- Terror group al-Shabaab is planning a major attack in Kenya
- According to leaders in Mandera, the terror group is destroying communication masts in the county in readiness for a major attack
Militant group al-Shabaab is planning a major terror attack in Kenya, Mandera leaders have said.

Al-Shabaab planning a major attack in Kenya
Militant group al-Shabaab is planning a major attack in Kenya.
Leaders in the county led by Mandera Governor Ali Roba said, the destruction of communication infrastructure was meant to cut off the county for an imminent attack by al-Shabaab.
“The terrorists are cutting Mandera from the other parts of the country. They have crippled economic activities and now the isolation plan has moved a level higher," Roba said.

Al-Shabaab planning a major attack in Kenya
Mandera Governor Ali Roba has warned of a major al-Shabaab attack in Mandera.
The governor has called on the government to beef up security to prevent the attack.
“With the communication network down, al Shabaab will be moving around the county and it will only be a couple of days before anyone notices there is a problem,” he said.

Al-Shabaab planning a major attack in Kenya
Al-Shabaab are said to be planning a major attack in Kenya after destroying communication masts.
Terror group al-Shabaab has in the last one week destroyed four communication masts in Mandera County.
The group destroyed masts belonging to Safaricom and Orange in Damasa, Dabacity, Kutulo, Chabi bar in Mandera North and a fourth in Arabia.
Watch a video of al-Shabaab militants in Somalia.

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