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VIDEO: Separated twins doing well 6 weeks after historic surgery

Date and time: 
Wed, 2016-12-14 16:32
Location / Venue: 
The twin girls, Blessing and Favour who were separated early last month in a landmark operation. They are recovering well six weeks after the surgery.
The twins who were separated by a medical team from the University of Nairobi and Kenyatta National Hospital six weeks ago are recovering well.
The two girls, Blessing and Favour were separated in a landmark operation that lasted for 23 hours early last month.
According to the reconstructive surgeons, led by Dr. Joseph Wanjeri, (UoN Plastic Surgeon), the two girls are back in the general paediatric ward and are able to stand but are yet to be allowed to walk around the ward.
The defects resulting from the separation were too large to be covered in one stage and skin grafting had to be done in early December for the raw areas which remained.
The healing has been satisfactory so far and they will soon be allowed to walk and maybe discharged soon thereafter.

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