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3 Shocking Allegations leveled against Laura Akunga who bought hubby 10M Land Cruiser

3 Shocking Allegations leveled against Laura Akunga who bought hubby 10M Land Cruiser

laura akunga fraudster
3 Shocking Allegations leveled against Laura Akunga who bought hubby 10M Land Cruiser

Fame and publicity didn’t go so well for Laura Akunga, the lady who bought a Sh. 10  Million Toyota VX V8  Land Cruiser for her hubby on his 30th birthday. Serious allegations have been made about her riches and fame.

1. Evicted from office for non-payment of rent

Laura Akunga, the CEO of Benchmark Solutions, is allegedly said to have been evicted from her Benchmark offices by the landlord for non payment of rent. Speaking to The Nairobian the landlord said that he had to evict her from his office block in Parklands 6th Avenue.

“I wouldn’t want to be seen as a person who shares my client’s secrets, but I had to evict her and I don’t know where she found new offices. She kept coming up with excuse after excuse until I kicked her out.”

2. Fraudulently obtaining Sh. 17.6 million from a business man

In a case filed at the Milimani Commercial Courts on March 31, Sriram Bharatam of Iridium Interactive has sued Laura, with whom he was well acquainted for fraudulently obtaining $17, 894 (Sh17.6 million) from him.

“On or about the month of January 2013, Akunga experienced financial difficulties. Family Bank had sought to recover a loan of Sh40million which she had guaranteed somebody, who had defaulted. Since she is known to me, I decided to lend her $50,000 (Sh4.9 million) in cash because there wasn’t enough time to do a bank transfer. According to her, she had been given 48 hours within which to clear the Sh40 million loan she had guaranteed someone.
On or about the month of April 2013, Laura reached out to me seeking more funding. She gave me a detailed plan of the new business which she intended to start. Her ideas seemed legitimate. This made me lend her more money on the understanding that the amount would be refunded within a short period, says Sriram in his affidavit.

 In August, Laura allegedly asked for financial assistance from Srisam again when she had failed to pay one of her suppliers named Granada Trading, who had threatened to report her to the police.

“I coordinated and sent $75,000 (Sh7.35 million) by bank transfer and further arranged cash locally and she was able to settle the debt. Laura had indicated to me that her company, Benchmark Solutions, makes around Sh80 to 90 million in revenue, but when I asked for financial records, she kept on giving flimsy excuses. I later gathered that the company only makes between Sh6 and 8 million in revenue.” said the businessman who showed the bank receipts of the money transfers to the Nairobian.
“In addition to the above, Laura indicated that her mother was part of the board of directors of the company and that she was therefore paying her a salary. The money for the salary was borrowed from us. However, after meeting the defendant’s mother, she vehemently denied ever being paid any money by Benchmark Solutions. This made me realise that things were not going on right. I requested for payment of all the monies that we had been lending. These demands were in futility,” says Sriram

The businessman says Laura stopped communicating with him in October and did not answer phone calls nor reply to text and email messages demanding payment. According to the businessman, Laura owes him and his company Sh. 4,177, 894 which he has constantly demanded without success.

Rumour has it that she has also obtained money from about seven Asian business men promising business deals with the government and other multinational companies.

3. Failing to pay tax to the KRA

On Tuesday, Radio Jambo presenter, Joseph Ogidi, had said through his Facebook page that Laura was being investigated by the KRA citing that she had not been paying tax returns for the company, Benchmark Solutions. However,  Laura dismissed the claims by posting the photos of tax compliance certificates for her company Benchmark Solutions and for her personal returns.

See also: “I pay my taxes!!” Laura Akunga who bought hubby 10M Landcruiser displays her tax certificates

Laura has not responded to the claims of being evicted from office and that of the filed case by Srisam for owing him Sh. 4 million. Attempts to reach her by The Nairobian went futile.

Article’s sources; The Nairobian

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