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Obama Used To Smoke Marijuana And Other Strange Facts About The US President

Alex Roberts  1175
Obama Used To Smoke Marijuana And Other Strange Facts About The US President
Barack Obama, the President of the US is one of the most well known people in the world.
Everybody has some strange history behind them. Here are five of the strangest facts about Obama.


Obama got rejected by Michelle more than once
Obama met Michelle when he was a summer associate at her law firm. He asked her out several times….and got rejected on all of them. Michelle was hesitant to date a co-worker.
Eventually they went out on a date, seeing Spike Lee’s movie “Do The Right Thing”. The rest is history.


His mom was a world famous anthropologist
Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, was a famous anthropologist. As such she moved around quite a bit, even transplanting the entire family to Jakarta, Indonesia for several years in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.
In fact Dunham helped to start one of the largest micro finance programs in the world during the family’s time in Indonesia.


The President of the US only met his father Barack Obama Sr. once
At least he was only old enough to remember a single meeting. The senior Barack left the family when Obama was only two years of age.
The only time Obama met his dad was years later, during a brief visit when Obama was 10 years old.
Obama Sr. was a government economist for Kenya. He was killed in a car crash in 1982.


He claims that he quit smoking cigarettes but still might light up
Obama was famous for being a chain smoker. In fact he smoked for most of his adult life. This was before promising Michelle that he would quit when he became President.
Whether Obama actually kept his promise or not is still up for debate. Reports from as recent as June of 2015 indicate that the President of the United States may still be sneaking the occasional cigarette.


Obama smoked marijuana when he was young…a lot
Yeah Obama was quite the stoner back in his younger days in Hawaii. He even admitted it in his auto biography “Dreams From My Father”, calling himself going down the path of being a ‘junkie’ and a ‘pothead’.
When asked about his marijuana use in his 2008 campaign for President, Obama said, “it’s not something that I’m proud of. It was a mistake … But you know, I’m not going to.  I never understood that line. The point was to inhale. That was the point.”
SOURCE: news