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Ben Carson Also a Kenyan

Another Kenyan Targeting The USA Presidency

Another Kenyan Targeting The USA Presidency
Its common knowledge that current USA president Barack Obama’s biological father is Kenyan. In fact, Obama still has close relatives who live in K’ogello.
While Obama become the first African- American to became US president, it appears there is another record waiting to be broken.
Ben Carson, the celebrated neurosurgeon and author of books like Think Bigand Gifted Hands, has disclosed that he has Kenyan roots.
According to the author who is also an African-American, he traces his roots to the Turkana community.
“I trace my roots back to the Turkana tribe which is a migratory tribe in Kenya,”he said on Thursday, July 2, 2015.
Carson is in the race for the US presidency, targeting to ride on the Republican ticket.
The 63-year-old renowned neurosurgeon is a newcomer with absolutely no known experience in the cutthroat world of politics.
Should he make it to the ballot and ultimately to White House however, it will be history to Kenya as another of its son leads the world super power.

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