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Here is a video of Governor Kabogo attempting to comit suicide that his left everyone talking and shocked

Kiambu governor William Kabogo was forced into an unseemly scramble away from the fire

Kenyan politician demonstrates exactly how not to destroy 10 tonnes of illegal alcohol

Follows national crackdown on the sale of illegal alcohol
A Kenyan governor has demonstrated to the world how not to destroy 10 tonnes of illegal alcohol.
Kiambu governor William Kabogo was overseeing the destruction of 10 tonnes of illegal beer – surrounded by press and staff – when his plan literally blew up in his face.
Mr Kabago and his staff were forced into an undignified scrabble away from the highly flammable substances after the governor used a flaming torch to destroy the confiscated stash at Kang’oki rubbish tip, KTN Kenyareported.
Meanwhile, the sign language translator - presumably watching the entire clip - appears nonplussed by the explosion and barely reacts.
it follows a crackdown by the Kenyan government on the distribution and sale of illegal spirits. Many people in the central counties cannot afford commercial alcohol so turn to bootleggers instead.
Earlier this month six people in Mr Kabogo’s southern county died after drinking what is sometimes referred to as the “killer brew” and which can be laced with methanol. Last year as many as 70 people died from consuming the dangerous home brews, the BBC reported.

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