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Here Is A Shocking Video Of A Man In Eldoret Trying To Commit Suicide By Electrocuting Himself On Electric Power Lines


In general people do not become suicidal because they are in pain, they do it because they believe they have no other reason to live, they feel that the world would be better off without them in it. Most feel that their problems are unsolvable and their life has spiraled out of control. Thinking that a permanent solution would be the best way to solve a temporary problem a man in Eldoret frantically tried to electrocute himself on Kenya Power cables.
He scaled up an electric pole and grabbed a number of power lines hoping to meet his maker. Luckily there were no sparks flying and the lines seemed to be off. By the time he was doing this a large crowd had gathered and everyone watched in disbelief. After some onlookers realized that the electric cables were not live, they quickly made efforts to rescue the suicidal irrational man.
Here is the shocking video
OMG!! All these guys risked their lives trying to save a suicidal man who wanted to electrocute himself. Thanks to Kenya Power, there was no electricity in the area
Posted on Tuesday, June 30, 2015

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