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Raila Was involved in Maize scandals Says US Wikileaks

Raila's family was involved in maize scandal, claim US cable

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By Patrick Mathangani
Wikileaks claim Prime Minister Raila Odinga attempted to suspend former Agriculture Minister William Ruto to divert attention from his family’s involvement in the Sh2 billion maize scam.
Secret cables sent by US Ambassador, Michael Ranneberger, to Washington and now released by WikiLeaks allege Raila wanted to create confusion when he said he was suspending Ruto and Education Minister Sam Ongeri. It claims Raila wanted public debate to focus on the two, and not his family’s role in the scandal.
Ranneberger also gives an unflattering assessment of the PM, whom he says is increasingly being perceived as "unable or unwilling to govern effectively and move forward the reform agenda".
Behind the scenes
One of the cables reveals the behind-the-scenes pushing and shoving that culminated in Raila ‘suspending’ the two ministers, over the affair. However, the US believed Raila took the action not only because he wanted to be seen as fighting corruption, but to divert attention from his family’s involvement in the maize scandal.
The maize and education scandals came to light in January 2009. The following month, Kibaki suspended key officials in the Agriculture and Education ministries, a day before Raila announced he was sending the ministers home.
"We have credible reports that members of Odinga’s family, presumably with his knowledge and/or involvement, were involved in the maize scandal. Thus, at the time he made his dramatic February 14 statements, Odinga was facing serious pressures on both the corruption and constitutional review issues," wrote Ranneberger. The cable at the beginning says the family of President Kibaki was also involved in the maize scandal.
Ongeri’s ministry was being probed over the disappearance of millions of shillings meant for free education programme.
The envoy continued: "It seems highly possible that Odinga made the announcement regarding Ongeri and Ruto knowing that it would cause a huge political and constitutional flap, and thusa divert focus on both the corruption and constitutional review issues.
Alternatively, Odinga may have miscalculated that he could ‘roll’ Kibaki to go along with his actions because Kibaki would not want to be seen as supporting ministers tainted by corruption."
The embassy attributed claims of corruption by the President’s and the Prime Minister’s families to "multiple sources".

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