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Pastor Nganga Of Neno ecangelism Drunk kills another person

Pastor Ng’ang’a of Neno Evangelism Center was on Sunday evening involved in a fatal road accident near Limuru along the Nairobi- Naivasha highway. His brand new Range Rover KCD 0600 was written off after hitting a smaller Nissan sedan vehicle.

Pastor Ng'ang'a accident, range rover, pastor ng'ang'a neno evangelical , pastor ng'ang'a drunk
Pastor Ng’ang’a’s Range Rover
According to eye eye witnesses, Pastor Nga’ng’a who was drunk, hurriedly left the scene of the accident and dint care about the driver of the other car who was writhing in pain. He then escaped in another car. Pastor Ng’ang’a’s Range Rover had an expired insurance sticker. The driver of the other car, lost both of his legs. His wife also died in the accident
Pastor Ng'ang'a accident, range rover, pastor ng'ang'a neno evangelical , pastor ng'ang'a drunk
The remains of the small car which was hit by Ng’ang’a’s Range Rover
Below is a testimony from a motorist who saw Ng’ang’a driving carelessly along the Nairobi Naivasha highway moments before his car got involved in the fatal accident:
Today I am a disturbed woman. Yesterday afternoon as I was returning from Nakuru, I noticed two Range Rovers racing and i thought it was a bit childish and lack of respect for the machines. The drivers were reckless and they kept shouting and shoving other motorists off the road. We attempted to tell the police just before Kinungi market and they just ignored. The black Range Rover sport caused two motorists to collide right at the market and they sped off. The second Range rover zoomed past us almost immediately after.. This Range Rover bore registration KCD 060J (Not sure about the last letter)
Approaching Limuru there was sme serious traffic snarl up and on reaching the scene, it was the bloody Range KCD 060 that had crushed a salon car and threw it off the road. The fool was overspeeding and overtaking when he got the oncoming car head on. The scene looked graphic.. I read somewhere today that the Range Rover is registered to Pastor Ng’ang’a. If indeed its true, I need to testify in this case and the driver deserves to rot in jail.
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