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"I Love Uhuru Kenyatta to Death" Ray C Now Claims After Listing Qualities Of Her Ideal Husband

It hasn't been weeks since Tanzanian songstress Ray C disrupted the Kenyan entertainment scene with an absurd list of personalities for her ideal husband. In fact number ten on the list is still echoing through the minds and hearts of young potential Kenyan suitors. Did you miss the list? Follow the link below to read full article:

Ray C

Apparently, no man on earth would have managed the qualities prescribed on the said list. To discouraged her, loads of men; bearded, balded, old and young gentlemen had stormed  her Instagram post assuring her that her dreams were as invalid as invalid itself. The Tanzanian musician has therefore come out to reveal who she has always has a crush on. No, no bruh it's actually not you. It's President Uhuru Kenyatta.